Speech delivered to the Institute of Economic Research AGM
Thursday 30 August 2007
Text of the British Dictionary of National Biography entry prepared in 1995.
Text of the British Dictionary of National Biography entry prepared in 1997.
M.J. Savage Memorial Lecture, La Trobe University, 4 September 1998.
"The Political Context of the Prime Ministerial Years", conference paper August 1997.
Speech given at the Stout Centre conference in April 1999 at Parliament Buildings.
Lecture to Department of Internal Affairs seminar, Wellington, 1997.
Review published in International History Review, vol.22, 2000.
Obituary for Barnes published in the Dominion, Wellington, on 6 June 2000.
Review of He Tipua: The Life and Times of Sir Apirana Ngata.
Review of Sir Keith Holyoake: Towards a Political Biography, in the Dominion, 18 April 1997.
Dictionary of New Zealand Biography, vol. 5, Wellington, 2000.
Obituary for Martyn Finlay published in the National Business Review, February 1999.
Review of His Way: A Biography of Robert Muldoon, in the Dominion, 21 August 2000.
This Fulbright lecture was first delivered at Georgetown University on 2 December 2002.
Dominion, December 1997.
Paper given at the Legal Research Foundation's conference "Shaping the Future State Sector", Parliament Buildings, 21 September 2000.
Published in the Dominion, December 1999
Paper given at ACT's Northern Regional Conference, November 2001
Published in the Dominion, 23 February 2002 after Anderton, the Deputy Prime Minister, fell out with yet another band of supporters and began his third political party.
Review of Paul Goldsmith's book, Auckland, 1997.
Welfare Reform Seminar: 14 August 2004
Obituary for David Lange, August 2005