Dr Michael Bassett

Dr Michael Bassett

Newspaper Columns


11/12/23 TV ONE Journalists fail to Notice there's a new Government
06/12/23 Modern Maori Myths
26/11/23 A New Ministry at Last
04/11/23 The 2023 Election in Retrospect
15/10/23 Hallelujah: First Steps of Progress at Last
08/10/23 Beware of the Media in the Homestretch
02/10/23 Hapless Hipkins and his Racism
24/09/23 Why Can't Our Journalists do their jobs?
16/09/23 Our Media Still Don't Get it
06/09/23 Bogus Election Media Coverage
01/09/23 The View from Abroad and the Harsh Reality
27/07/23 Chippy's Chickens Fly the Coop
17/07/23 Chris Hipkins and Educational Failure
04/07/23 The Greens and the Coalition of Chaos
28/06/23 Dealing with the Underclass
11/06/23 Who is a Maori?
01/06/23 John Tamihere Guarantees a "Coalition of Chaos"
24/05/23 Mainstream Media Mischief
06/05/23 Labour Sows the Wind and Reaps the Whirlwind
01/05/23 The Labour Party and Tribal Maori Leadership
14/04/23 The Crisis in Maori Society
06/04/23 Labour and its out-of-control Bureaucracy
21/03/23 Hipkins and his Policy Deferrals
03/03/23 Kelvin Davis exposes the flaws in Labour's Maori Policy
19/02/23 Cyclones and Politics
05/02/23 Our Media in Election Year
22/01/23 Chris Hipkins
29/11/22 Jacinda's Twaddle About Holding Parents to Account
08/11/22 Jacinda Struggles in Dr Strangeglove's World
23/10/22 Chaotic Leadership in New Zealand?
20/10/22 Labour's Shakespeare Moment
14/10/22 Jacinda: Full Steam into the Electoral Hurricane
27/09/22 Jacinda Force Feeds us Te Ao Maori
20/09/22 Jacinda's Waste of Public Interest Journalism Funds
01/09/22 Modern Labour sticks to its Old-Time religion
04/08/22 Jacinda's Mind
22/07/22 The Gradual Collapse of Jacinda's New Zealand
05/07/22 Beware of Snake Oil Merchants: They're bad for your Health
26/06/22 Jacinda and the Main Stream Media
13/06/22 Jacinda's "New" Cabinet
20/05/22 Look Out for Illegal Maori Claims
07/04/22 Reforming the United Nations
06/03/22 The Sinister thing about Co-Governance
20/02/22 Circus in Wellington
01/02/22 The Challenges of Waitangi Day
03/01/22 Archbishop Desmond Tutu: His Message for Jacinda's Government